Week 0: Setting up Git and GitHub

Stat 431

All your assignments for Stat 431 will be recieved and submitted via GitHub. This page will take you through some practice activities, so you can get used to everything.

Time Estimates:
     Videos: 45 min
     Readings: 0 min
     Activities: 30-90 min
     Check-ins: 5

Extra Resources:

Introduction to Git and GitHub

Required Video: Intro to Git and GitHub

Check-In 1: Make a GitHub Account

Create an account on GitHub.com, if you have not already.

Ideally, your username will be related to your real name, e.g. “kbodwin” rather than “SuperKrazy2000”. However, this is not required; choose whatever username you prefer. In particular, if you want to avoid making your affiliation with this course public in any way, you may want to anonymize your account.

Make sure that your @calpoly.edu email is linked to your account. (This is under the Email section of Settings on GitHub.com. You do not need to make your @calpoly email your primary email, nor do you need to make it publicly viewable.)

Canvas Link     

Check-In 2: Make a repository

Create a private repository called “About Me”.

Create a new text file. In it, answer the following questions:

  1. What is your year and major?
  2. What are you most excited to learn in Stat 431?

Take a screenshot of your repository. It should look similar to 9:43 of the video.

Alert: This class will sometimes ask you to take screenshots. Please make sure that no private information is displayed in the image before you upload it to Canvas!

Canvas Link     

Branches and Pull Requests

Required Video: Branching

Check-In 3: Make a branch and pull request

Create a new branch of your “About Me” repository. Name this branch after your favorite animal.

In this branch, make a small change to your text file.

Create a Pull Request to your master branch from your new branch.

Take a screen shot of your completed pull request. It should look like 8:14 of the video.

Canvas Link     

Forks and Pull Requests

Required Video: Forks and pull requests

Check-In 4: Fork and pull request someone else’s repository

Navigate to the Week 0 Repository for this course.

Fork the repository into your own account.

Edit the poem to add a new line. The new line should be two sentences or phrases that rhyme. See Dr. Glanz’s contribution for an example.

Create a Pull Request to add your line to the group’s poem. Make sure you are pull requesting the original repository owned by the Cal-Poly-Advanced-R account, not pull requesting your own forked copy.

Once your pull request has been accepted, take a screenshot of that page. It should look like 11:42 of the video.

Canvas Link     


Required Video: Issues and Markdown

Check-In 5: Comment on an Issue

Find the Issue that Dr. Bodwin created in the Week 0 Repository.

Reply to the question somewhere below. Use at least one Markdown styling trick in your reply.

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