The Dataset:
The Research Question: How variable are quality of life and cost of living?
The Challenge: Tell a compelling story with data collected from at least one of the Teleport APIs linked above.
Your story can be as simple as covering a handful of cities, or as extensive as country, contintent or global level…it is yours to tell!
Be sure to include visualization(s) and/or summaries.
You must turn in a single .Rmd file and .html file.
You may use any R package or tool that you want (with the exception of Shiny, as this does not return a static html).
You may not use any other language or tool.
Be innovative in how you explore and visualize the data.
Your content should be very brief; no more than one page if the .html were to be printed.
You automatically receive 5 points for making a submission.
You will receive bonus points for the following achievements: