For this challenge I chose to compare the scores of several cities in the US. The scores were on a 10 point scale rating how much people in that city were satisfied with different categories. Since there was not already a quality of life score, I found the mean score of the “Business Freedom”, “Safety”, “Healthcare”, “Education”, “Internet Access”, and “Outdoors” categories because I believed these were the closest to being considered as qualities of life. I then compared that score to the cost of living score to see how they differed across some cities I chose to analyze. I first chose Chattanooga because I thought it was a funny name and then chose cities that were in different areas of the US. I chose San Luis Obispo in particular so everyone could have at least one city to campare to.
In the end most of the cities had similar had similar quality of living scores between 5.5 and 7.5 points out of 10. Chattanooga and Salt like city had the had the highest scores for cost of living while Chicago and Los Angeles were on the lower end, as I assume most would expect. However, for what ever reason San Luis Obispo had a cost of living score of only 0?? I found this extremely odd and the most justifiable reason has to be that the scores for cost of living in San Luis Obispo must have not been recorded… or maybe everyone in SLO thinks the cost of living is completely absurd because I sure do! With the amount I pay for rent you would think I’m living in a luxarious apartment or at least a decent looking house. Nope. My house is so old I wouldn’t be surprised if it was the first house built in SLO. To be completely honest its falling apart, but you could charge just about anything for rent in SLO and some hopeless Cal Poly student would pay it (me and my three roommates). Nevertheless, if you want to get the most bang for your buck in terms of quality of life and fair cost of living, move to Utah and settle down in Salt Lake City in a beautiful two story, 5 bedroom, 3 bath home with a pool. I’m sure we would still be paying the same amount in rent.